Keeping an office clean can be a full-time job, but it doesn’t have to be. Dedicated to keeping your office clean but not at the cost of your sanity, these tips will help you stay organized and tidy with a few extra minutes here and there. Keeping an office clean isn’t glamorous but it’s essential. Your business relies on it; if your office looks messy, customers and clients will likely keep their distance and avoid coming in too often. A clean office also saves you time and money because it means you don’t have to spend as much time cleaning and organizing things. Keeping an office clean is like any other type of cleaning: it needs to be done consistently and regularly if you want it to stay clean. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to keeping your office clean and organized no matter how busy you are. Keep reading for more ways to keep your office clean and organized!

Install proper lighting

Lighting is one of the most important aspects of keeping your office clean. While you might think that natural light is best for your office, it actually wreaks havoc on your ability to focus. Having bright lights in your office can help you stay focused on your work, especially if you work from home. If you’re working in an office, though, artificial light is best. Artificial light helps you focus better and makes the office feel more open, while natural light makes you feel more closed in. Avoid direct lighting, though, as that can cause eyestrain if you’re working for long periods of time. If you have the option of installing track lighting or other light fixtures, do so. Track lighting is great because it allows you to change the brightness of the light as needed, instead of having one continuous light source. If your office is large and you can’t feasibly install new lighting, try getting a lamp or two to place near you. The lamp should be a task-oriented light source, though. If it has an adjustable brightness feature, even better!

Keep items that clutter up

As much as you may hate it, keeping a messy office is better than having everything organized and in its place. If you have too much stuff in one place, though, it can quickly become a nightmare. Keep a few items in a drawer or even a box in case you need them. This way, they don’t get in the way but are easily accessible if you need them. For example, if you have a printer and scanner, keep those items in a drawer or box so they don’t take up your desk. This way, you have quick access to the items but they aren’t taking up space. When you have a drawer or box setup like this, it’s best to label the items inside so you can quickly locate them when needed. You can even use a label maker to make your labels and customize them with a color or two if you feel like doing something extra.

Don’t forget your kitchen

Your kitchen is one of the most important areas of your office. Keeping your kitchen stocked with supplies is crucial to having a productive and organized office. If you have a meeting scheduled and you need water or coffee (or both), you might have a hard time getting it. Having a fully stocked kitchen allows you to make a quick trip to the fridge or cabinet to grab what you need. It also keeps your kitchen clean. If you don’t have a kitchen in your office, try putting a small fridge in a corner of the space. Keep a few water bottles inside and maybe some coffee or tea bags as well. Having a fridge in the corner of the office allows you to keep food and drinks fresh and easily accessible. It also gives your office a more homey feel.

Create a schedule of tasks

Keeping an organized office means having a clear plan of what needs to be done when. If you have a list of tasks and don’t know where to start, you’ll waste a lot of time trying to find the right task. Create a schedule of tasks that needs to be done each day. You can even use a calendar app to keep track of your to-do list. Keep in mind that if you try to do too much, you’ll end up spreading yourself too thin. Make sure you don’t overdo it, though. If you try to do everything in one day, you’ll likely burn out and be less effective. Aim for about 3-4 tasks per day and you’ll be much more productive.

Create a system for filing and storing items

Since you’re most likely not going to be able to fit every piece of paper or item in your office, it’s important to have a system for filing and storing items. If you don’t know where to start, look at some examples. You can find examples of filing systems at office supply stores, libraries, and online. You may be wondering why you need to file things when you have a computer. Having a system for filing allows you to quickly find items when you need them. If you don’t have a system in place, you’re likely to waste time looking for items. This can also be a safety hazard when you have sharp objects out. If you don’t have a system for storing items, you’re likely to have piles of items on the floor or stacked on shelves. This can be a safety hazard, too. Having a system for filing and storing items helps you stay organized and tidy, and it’s easy to maintain.


Keeping an office clean is essential to having a productive and organized office. There are many ways to keep your office clean, but you first need to set your priorities. Make sure you focus on keeping the essential items in your office clean. This includes having a good lighting and keeping items that clutter up out of the way. You can also keep your kitchen stocked and use it as a way to maintain a tidy and organized office.